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We designed these challenges around real problems we've faced while building and shipping openpilot. We hope you enjoy them. * Submit your solution here * Multiple submissions are allowed * Non-competitive scores will not be published * 👑 is a cash prize winner * is an employee or intern score * Active challenges are still expected to be difficult * Archived challenges are largely solved problems If you find these fun and score well, you'll probably be a good fit for a job here.

hardware challenge  


find as many bugs as you can in our custom wire harness tester

cash prizes:
* $750 for the first score >=20
* $500 for the highest score, October 1 - November 1, 2024
bugs name
21 leosteinberg 👑
20 probablyanasian
18 MastroGippo
18 dzid26
16 ruselec 👑
16 ashrey
14 1art
13 lukasloetkolben
13 Quantizr
13 kostas1507
13 avangerp
11 duong999123
11 Ans1S

controls challenge v2  


design a controller to steer a (simulated) car

cash prize: $500 for lowest non-employee score, August 1 - September 1, 2024

score name method
45.756 bheijden 👑PPO
48.08 ellenjxu custom feedback controller + evolution
48.57 Quantizr custom feedback controller
50.192 truefit-ai custom PID + evolution
50.633 jonoomph ML PID
50.716 felsager 👑 custom feedback controller
52.506 izzunnafis custom feedback controller
54.709 freeklinssen adaptive PID
55.485 garrettpall custom feedback controller
57.670 YasinSonmez PID w FF
58.57 YashDYD custom feedback controller
59.811 avangerp custom feedback controller
59.853 haraschax custom feedback controller
61.783 xfqbuaa custom PID
62.462 0xmmo genetic algorithm
63.793 fabP258 DOBC
68.055 matthiaspetry custom feedback controller
74.440 diegoruizpon custom feedback controller
75.688 Sanjit1 custom feedback controller
77.411 utkarshgill custom feedback controller
78.590 hpoonawala PID w FF
78.868 yiannisha bayesian optimization
80.828 donymorph custom PID
83.568 jonoomph8 custom PID
91.130 integ01 MPC
95.724 adhintz auto-tuned PID
98.703 QuangTran1608 slsqp
100.445 pau-mensa bayesian optimization
102.184 NikhilGangaram custom PID
111.325 Mehul0x custom
117.877 SamuelPCarter PID
125.274 koushik-sss fuzzy logic controller
132.178 userdarius custom PID
141.308 baseline PID

compression challenge  


losslessly compress 5,000 minutes of driving data

cash prize: $500 highest compression rate, June 1 - July 1, 2024

score name method
3.4 szabolcs-cs self-compressing neural network
2.6 pkourouklidis 👑 arithmetic coding with GPT
2.3 anonymous zpaq
2.3 rostislav zpaq
2.2 anonymous zpaq
2.2 anonymous zpaq
2.2 0x41head zpaq
2.2 tillinf zpaq
1.6 baseline lzma

openpilot bounties  


a shoutout for our contributors who've claimed >$1k in bounties


design challenge  


design a UI to communicate openpilot's confidence to the user

name design
davidcalifornia design
utkarshgill design
hyusap design
salfolio design

calibration challenge  


predict the direction of travel (in camera frame) from provided dashcam video

score name
5.33% fredyshox
9.4% Boris
10.0% krikarls
11.4% Ritam
18.5% bongbui321
18.7% Nathan
19.0% MartinEthier
19.0% louislva
19.6% arshsinghal6
19.6% Yasin
20.0% RoyVorster
20.0% Roman
20.22% Armandpl
20.5% Herman
24.8% gijskoning

mystery prize

Mystery prizes are for the best of the best. Mystery prizes are rare, and beyond knowing you're the best, they get you admission to all future comma events.

* controls: score less than 55 total cost
* compression: score better than 2.6
* calibration: score less than 9%
* hardware: find more than 18 bugs
* design: make something elegant and beautiful